Spark Ignition Prv 03 User Manual

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  1. 2014 Chevy Spark User Manual
  2. Ignition User Manual Pdf

Part 1

At we provide technical support to our members using our online manuals to service and repair vehicles. On a regular basis we get a service ticket from a member saying, “I’ve replaced my ignition coil, ECM and/or some other expensive part and I still don’t have spark. What should I do?” This is frustrating for the member and our tech support team. For the member, they have needlessly spent money to replace expensive parts and aren’t any better off for it. For the Cyclepedia crew, we wish we could have helped when the initial problem surfaced to avoid unnecessary blind part replacement.

OWNER’S MANUAL 60-0737-03 Automation and Control Solutions. Intermittent Pilot Ignition system saves gas. Of the pilot is automatically performed by electronic spark ignition each time the thermostat calls for heat. The pilot is not burning when there is no call for heat.

It is extremely rare for a no spark condition to be the result of a faulty coil or ECM. Users get fixated on these items and jump to the conclusion they must be responsible for their problem because these items are easy to see and replace. This is the opposite of the strategy needed to fix a no spark condition. When taking on a no spark condition one needs to be patient and have an open mind. Becoming fixated on specific components is a good way to not find the true problem. Its far more likely that there is a problem with a wire, connector, ground, or switch than an actual ignition system component, but only assume the fault could be anywhere so don’t focus on a single item until testing indicates that item may be faulty.

Start at the beginning and don’t jump ahead. If the vehicle is equipped with a battery make sure it is fully charged. An under charged battery can result is slow cranking speed that will not be optimum for the ignition system. Check the condition of the main and ignition fuses. Make sure the switches in the ignition system are connected and are in the correct position for ignition system operation.

When checking for spark, fit a new spark plug into the plug cap and ground this new plug to the engine. Make sure there isn’t any water in the spark plug cap. Leave the old plug in the head for proper compression. Do not touch the spark plug or wire while cranking or running the engine as this can result in a severe shock. Crank the engine and observe the spark plug for spark. If there is spark examine and replace the old spark plug as necessary. If the engine is a multi cylinder make sure the spark plug caps and wires are installed to the correct cylinders – check the ignition timing if necessary.

It is time to start troubleshooting and testing the ignition system now that the no spark condition has been confirmed. It is important to check the connectors and wiring as your work through the system. There may be a loose connector or faulty connector wiring that is disrupting the circuit. Check for corrosion and poor fitment between male and female wiring terminals. Check grounds for solid connections.

Use the wiring diagrams to aid in wiring inspection. Any ground wire should have continuity to a ground. Non-ground wires shouldn’t have continuity with a ground, but they should have continuity with themselves at other places in the wiring harness. For example a blue/white signal wire from the pickup coil needs to have continuity between its terminal where it connects to the harness from the coil, and its terminal where the harness connects to the ECM. If the wire doesn’t have continuity on both sides of the harness there is a open circuit and the ignition system will act as if the pickup coil is faulty though it is actually a wiring problem.

Part 2 of dealing with no spark ignition system problems will go further into detail on component inspection. Faulty components are more rare than a wiring problem or other outlying issue, but they do happen and the manufactures provide testing instructions. No spark issues are common, frustrating problems. Remember to be patient and inspect the full system not just the main components.

Part 2

Part 1 of ignition system no spark troubleshooting focused on the general electrical problems that often result in no spark conditions. Part 2 will go deeper into testing the specific components of the ignition system. Testing the components will require a multimeter for measuring voltage and ohms of resistance. Also, a peak voltage adapter (PVA) will be needed for the multimeter to read pulse voltage where the voltage increases and decreases in a short period of time.

Place the ignition system in a condition similar to checking for spark when conducting peak voltage testing. There should be spark plugs installed in the cylinder head and known good plugs installed in the spark plug caps. The spark plugs in the caps should be grounded to the engine. All ignition circuit switches should be placed in run positions. The the connector being tested for peak voltage may need to be plugged in during the test. Use the kick starter or electric starter to turn the engine over and measure the peak voltage with the PVA and multimeter. If the peak voltage is out of specification test it at other locations if possible. For example test the crank position sensor peak voltage at the crank position sensor connector and at the ECM connector. The peak voltage should exceed the minimum specification given in the service manual.

TestResultsPossible Causes
Ignition coil primary peak voltageNo peak voltage readingsfaulty PVA connections
engine stop wire short
faulty exciter coil
faulty pulse generator
faulty engine stop switch
open circuit or loose ground wire
wire shorted to ground
faulty ICM connections
faulty ICM
Low peak voltage readingsfaulty PVA connections
cranking speed to slow
improper multimeter impedance
faulty exciter coil
open circuit or loose connectors
faulty ignition coil
faulty ICM (if above are normal)
Pulse generator (crank position sensor)No peak voltage readingfaulty PVA
faulty pulse generator
Low peak voltage readingimproper multimeter impedance
cranking speed to slow
faulty pulse generator
Exciter coilNo peak voltage readingfaulty PVA connections
faulty exciter coil
Low peak voltage readingimproper multimeter impedance
faulty PVA
cranking speed to slow
faulty pulse generator
faulty exciter coil

Inspect the ignition coil/s as indicated by the service manual. This may include peak voltage testing and/or resistance testing.

Use resistance testing to inspect the ignition system components if peak voltage testing specifications are not available. Measure the primary resistance between the two terminals of the of the ignition primary coil.

Measure the primary resistance between the terminal and a ground if the coil only has one terminal.

Check the secondary coil resistance between the primary ignition coil terminal and the spark plug cap.

Check the secondary resistance between the two spark plug caps if the ignition coil has two spark plug wires.

Also check the resistance with the caps removed from the wires if specified. Replace the ignition coil, spark plug wire, or caps as necessary if the resistance is out of specification.

Inspect the crank position sensor, pickup coil, and/or exciter coil for resistance and peak voltage according to the service manual. If possible check this a multiple locations like at the coil connector and at the ECM connector. Not only do we need to know that the component is functioning correctly, but we need to know that the related wiring is intact. The crank position sensor and exciter coil often must be replaced with the stator as an assembly.

Inspect the ignition system related switches for correct continuity according to the service manual or wiring diagram. This usually includes the main (ignition) switch, engine stop switch, and side stand switch. Other switches involved may be gear position/neutral, reverse override, tip-over, and other ignition based safety switches. Replace any faulty switches or switch related wiring.

In rare cases there are resistance tests for the ignition control module (ICM) or engine control unit (ECU). Most of the time the only way to determine an ICM/ECU is faulty is to rule out all other options. Unfortunately many people want to jump ahead and reach this conclusion before fully inspecting the entire system. It is far more likely that a bad connector or wire the is cause of the problem than the black box. With that in mind do not even consider replacing an ICM/ECU unless you are 100% confident that all ignition system components, switches, wires and connectors are in perfect working order.

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USB Drivers

FAST® Software Bundle

Latest software bundle includes all the following:

  • XFI Sportsman Software - Rev. 08.18.17
  • XFI Street Software - Rev. 01.09.17
  • C-Com XFI 2.0 - Version 2.050
  • C-Com XFI 2.0 Marine - Version 2.050
  • Air/Fuel RPM Module Software
  • Updated USB Drivers
Ignition user manual pdf

XFI Fuel Injection Software

Ignition user manual pdf

XFI Sportsman Software

2014 Chevy Spark User Manual

XFI 2.0 Software

  • Download - C-Com XFI 2.0 - Version 2.010 (See Above For Newer 2.050 Version)

C-Com XFI - Version 1.340 - For Original XFI (Non 2.0)

WARNING: This software gives you total control over specific events that your engine needs set correctly to run properly.Incorrectly using and/or incorrectly installing this software can cause your engine to perform at degraded levels or even stop running completely.

  • C-Com XFI V 1.340 includes all of the controls and features of Version 1.333, plus the following:
  • Intelligent Traction Control(ITC) software for ITC-enabled XFI units
  • Menu Mode available that simplifies the software menu system into Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced tuner levels for an even easier tuning experience

XFI Firmware Update - Original XFI (Non 2.0)

For customers who are not ready to upgrade their ECU to XFI 2.0, the following firmware update is available at no charge. This update includes the following changes/fixes:

  • Fixed bug in Aux out 4 (MPH)
  • Fixed Ind. Cyl. code for non-IPU apps and added test for OE spark strategy in IC spark lookup (sync occurs after spark)(fixes IC spark issues in OE strategies)
  • Fixed bug in Idle Spark sub
  • Added constant .6V offset to battery voltage measurement to compensate for protection diode drop in ECU
  • Fixed bug in ESC sub
  • Fixed bug in WB closed loop gain look-up
  • Fixed bug in mpg sub where injector duty cycle was calculated wrong for 6 cyl. B2B applications. 6 CYL apps always use SEFI injector pulse timing.
  • Fixed bug in Aux. shaft rpm transfer function that caused the RPM to be displayed wrong

C-Com WP - For Grey Box FAST ECU

Software for original version of FAST Fuel Injection ECU (Grey box ECU) WARNING: This software gives you total control over specific events that your engine needs set correctly to run properly.Incorrectly using and/or incorrectly installing this software can cause your engine to perform at degraded levels or even stop running completely.

  • Works on Windows 95 and later versions of Windows

Touch Screen Dash / Datalogger Software

A revolution in data capture, analysis, and monitoring - only from the efi experts at FAST.

This extraordinary new unit functions as both an electronic dashboard and a data logger for vehicles running the FAST XFI Fuel Injection System.

Optional accessories, such as the FAST Accelerometer and EGT modules and Dual Sensor Air/Fuel Meter - can all be monitored in combination with XFI-based engine data through the units high-speed CAN bus and it's easy-to-use operating software. With its state-of-the art monitoring and data logging capabilities, the XFI Touch Screen Dash/Data Logger can assemble a comprehensive, real-time picture of just what is going on under the hood of your vehicle as it screams down the drag strip.

EZ-EFI Self Tuning Fuel Injection

EZ-EFI ECU Update #3

If you have an EZ-EFI system that was purchased in 2010 or earlier, you may not have the most current base tune. To check, select INFO from the ADV OPTIONS section in the handheld. If the 'ECU' number is less than 03, you have an older tune. If you already see ECU 03, your ECU is up to date and there is no need to install this update.

Ignition user manual pdf

Air/Fuel Meter Software

Air/Fuel Meter RPM Module Software

FASTView Air/Fuel Meter Viewing Software

** UPDATE: Fixes where user was limited to shorter logs, Now user should be able to play almost any length back. **

Ignition User Manual Pdf

  • Download - Instructions PDF File

FAST releases FASTView, a FREE and easy-to-use software program for downloading, storing, viewing and comparing air/fuel data logs The revolutionary FAST Air/Fuel Meter brought cutting edge air/fuel measurement technology to racers everywhere. Expanding on the usefulness of this meter, FAST created a free, easy-to-use software package for owners who have upgraded their meter with the FAST RPM Module. Called FASTView, this complete software package allows you to download, playback, store and even plot the data so you can compare air/fuel data logs on your personal computer. The FASTView Software couldnt be easier to use. All downloading is accomplished using the communication cable found in your optional RPM Module Kit. Once downloaded and stored, you can use the playback feature to open up your data logs and play them back in real time or use the plotting feature to overlay them for comparison. The playback also shows the precise elapsed time of the data log and displays the data not only as a raw number, but also with digital needle gauges that help you to spot air/fuel and rpm trends during your run.