Minelab Equinox Manual Download


Oct 25, 2018  The Minelab Equinox Series 'From Beginner To Advanced' By Clive James Clynick is A Practical Guide to Finding Gold, Silver & Coins with the Minelab Equinox Series. In this detailed and informative book, Clive James Clynick shares his 35+ years of treasure hunting experience with the reader to create this unique guide to successful searching. This Minelab Equinox 800 review is based on research and other peoples reviews. I haven’t been lucky enough to get my hands on one yet but I will update the moment I do. I’ve contacted Minelab to see if we can get one for testing here at Detector Reviews.

Minelab Equinox 800 Problems

ManualMinelab equinox manual download

Chevy Equinox Manual

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      I thought I’d put this scenario out here to hear feedback from those who are hunting 50 tones set at a higher pitch opposed to its default setting of 20.
      I appreciate your feedback.
    • By nordic
      Hi All,
      First post, please do not judge... Question to more experienced EQ 800 users. I have been detecting for over half a year now, got piles of questions I can't seem to find a definitive answers, so decided to register and ask instead. I also want to highlight I'm interested in all relics, not just coins. Thanks in advance.
      Long story short, I have 2 things to ask about, these are sitting for quite a while in my head and can't seem to figure it out. First and probably most asked is the firmware version. I have tried all 3 versions (with proper resets before and after) and my suspicions are that the oldest is the most neutral to the other newer ones - most suited to 'all' detecting. Newer ones' frequency response is not as flat, but equalized if I can express this way. The newer it gets, more biased towards coins and larger objects it seems to appear. For example, with stock 11' coil, on fw 1.5 I could detect items as small as pistol round lead bullets (16-17 century), around 4-5mm in D, while with the V2 it simply does not see them at all. In fact, with V2 I pull mostly larger coins and not much of anything else. I also own 15' coil and in regards to small objects of say, I see the following unmasking pattern:
      Small copper button (10mm D) in top of mineralized soil, same program, sensitivity, GB 0, IF 0, FE 0, recovery 4:
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      v1.7.5 - 15' performs better than 11' - can ID easier with 15 with iron grunt
      v2.1.12 - neither of coils can see the button (FE 0 and F2 0), not even a chirp, completely blind, just iron grunt
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      Situation no 2. My friend owns XP Deus lite and we went hunting on 200 year small old field full of coke (VDI 1-2). Soil was excellent, GB was 1! He was pulling various buckles, coins and buttons from a significant depth, while I found only few coins and one other copper thing, he only made 3rd of field when I finished. We frequently tried to scan questionable targets with both detectors to confirm if they are worth digging. What happened next was a bitter surprise. He pulled a button from about 10' hole beside the coke. I asked him to drop this button into the hole to try to ID it again, but Equinox was completely blinded by the coke, all I could see is VDI 1 and no matter what program or setting I tried, and notching it out, different angle and speed, no chance, nothing. The only thing I did not try is to switch to single frequency. Deus had absolutely no problem seeing it. I feel I missed so much in that field. I was running fw V2 and I really want to go back there once more with the old version. Is there anything you think I could try to get past the coke? I'm going to that field again this weekend.
      Just to add another oddity. I have done a FP reset on the equinox at some point and that made coke to sound very faint for a half a minute before it returned to full blinding strength.
      Sorry for rather long post. Thank you
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