Us Navy Diving Manual Free Download

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Navy’s Supervisor of Salvage and Diving team working from a contracted diving support and construction vessel, located and recovered the fuselage of a downed C-2A Greyhound aircraft from the depth of 18,789 feet using the deep ocean remotely operated vehicle CURV 21. Navy Diving Manual (Revision 6, April 2008) Naval Sea Systems Command, U.S. Department of the Navy on shipping on qualifying offers. Since the 1950s, the U.S. Navy Diving Manual has served as the internationally recognized standard for allowable exposure while breathing compressed air at varying depths. Jun 04, 2016  U.S. Navy Diving Manual (Revision 6, April 2008) Naval Sea Systems Command, U.S. Department of the Navy on shipping on qualifying offers. Since the 1950s, the U.S. Navy Diving Manual has served as the internationally recognized standard for allowable exposure while breathing compressed air at varying depths. For many years.

Below are several full text declassified Navy documents of interest to researchers working on historic naval ships. Please contact us with the Mail Feedback Form with any corrections or additions.
• Single Topic
• Age of Sail
• Fleet Type Submarine Series
• Submarine, and Torpedo Fire Control
• WW II Submarine War Patrol Reports...
• Destroyer
• Battleship
• Ordnance, Gunnery and Fire Control
• Torpedoes & Depth Charges
• PT Boat
• Merchant
• Amphibious
• Intelligence, Recognition Handbook, Photo Interpretation
• Communications Security
• Electricity, Communications, Sonar and Radar
• Booklet of General Plans (ships' drawings)
• Naval Ships' Technical Manuals (NSTM) in PDF
• Standards and References in PDF
• Training Courses in PDF (includes aviation)
• Tools, Shop and Repair in PDF
• Navy Electricity and Electronics Training Series (NEETS) in PDF
• Links To Full Text Documents On Other Web Sites
• Finding US Navy Records and Drawings at the U.S. National Archives...

(Some of these are provided as PDF files, if you have trouble reading these, Adobe® Acrobat® Reader is a Free Download.)

Single Topic:

General Specifications-Appendix 10, 1936 describes the Nomenclature of decks, Numbering of watertight compartments and Labeling used aboard vessels of the U.S. Navy. Included are three small amendments made in 1947, 1948 and 1949.

Handbook of Damage Control, NAVPERS 16191, 1945, was created near the end of World War II and represents best practices in WW II damage control.

The Cookbook of the United States Navy, NAVSANDA Publication 7, 1945, shows the culinary arts at the end of WW II.
Cookbook 1904 (1.1 MB PDF)
Cookbook 1920 (1.9 MB PDF)
Submarine Cusine (21 MB PDF)

U.S.S. Missouri (BB-63) Salvage Report, 1950, describes the successful salvage of the battleship after running aground.

Ship Camouflage Instructions, SHIPS-2, 1942, is a manual for painting of ships from the middle during WW II.
Submarine Camouflage Instructions, 1944, camo-measure-32-subs-0849201.pdf (6.6 MB PDF)
Ship Concealment Camouflage Instructions, NAVSHIPS 250-374, 1953. camo1953.pdf (15 MB PDF)

Shipyard Outside Machinist, Bulletin 345-K, 1942. A WW II training manual explaining how to align pumps, gaskets, etc.

Engine Room Tools, 1949, is a training manual that focuses on the correct use of tools aboard ship. It is noteworthy because it includes tools that are specific to the maritime trades.

Net and Boom Defenses, Ordnance Pamphlet 636A, 1944, shows how Net and Boom defenses were used to protect ships and harbors from submarines and torpedoes during WW II.

Navy File Manual, 1941. When looking at U.S. Navy records, they are normally sorted by the Navy Filing Manual.

Standard Subject Identification Codes, 1987, a Cold War version of the U.S. Navy filing manual. ssic.pdf (5.9 MB PDF).
Also see m5210-2.pdf (1 MB PDF) for a 2005 version.

Boats of the United States Navy, Navships 250-452, 1967. We also have a 1955 version boatscat-250452-1955.pdf (3.1 MB PDF).

Catapult Type H, Mark 8, NAVAER 51-15HA-502, 1956, describes the hydraulic catapult installed in the Essex class carriers.

Detail Specifications for Building Aircraft Carriers, 1941, describes the Essex class carriers.

24 Inch Searchlight, Model 24-G-20, Spec 17S21, 1944. This covers a typical 24 inch U.S.N. Navy carbon arc searchlight of WW II. These were used for signaling, visual search, navigation and even fire control. They were installed on almost every surface ship.

Instruction Book For Quick-Acting Doors, NAVSHIPS 316-0042, describes the single handle (wheel) US Navy water-tight door.

Principles of Naval Engineering, NAVPERS-10788B, 1970. engineering.pdf (676 pages, 36.8 MB PDF)

Engineering in the Royal Navy, 1945. engmag.pdf (17.2 MB PDF)

The Glomar Explorer, Deep Ocean Working Vessel, Technical Description and Specification, 1975, describes the Glomar Explorer in the context of its cover story.

Foundry Manual, NAVSHIPS 250-0334, 1958, was created for use by foundry personnel creating castings aboard repair ships and tenders.

Typewriter Maintenance, TM 37-305, 1944, presents the proper methods of adjustment and repair of the U.S. typewriters of WW II.

Reference Book for Graphotype Class 6300, TM 10-626D, 1952, is a user manual for the classic embossing machine used for dog tags, data plates, etc. graphotypeuser.pdf (2.6 MB PDF)
Graphotype Class 6100, 6200, 6300 Service Manual, 5A 914-90, 1960, is the service manual for the same class of machines. graphotypeservice.pdf (4.4 MB PDF)

Instructions for Using Singer Electric Sewing Machines 99-23 and 99-24, 19753, 1941 singer-99-24-instructions.pdf (3.6 MB PDF)
List of Parts, For Family Shops, Machine No. 99-24, 19884, singer-99-24-parts.pdf (3.3 MB PDF)

Underway Replenishment, Naval Warfare Publication 4-01.4, 1996. unrep-nwp04-01.pdf (18.6 MB PDF)
Replenishment at Sea, ATP-16, 1955. unrep-atp-16.pdf (24.5 MB PDF).

Variable Course Clock, Mark 2, Navships 324-0006, WW II course clock used to zig-zag your own ship's course. course-clock-mk2.pdf (1 MB PDF).

Age of Sail:

The Elements and Practice of Rigging And Seamanship, 1794, by David Steel, is a first comprehensive English textbook of rigging, seamanship and naval tactics.

Textbook of Seamanship, 1891, by Commodore Luce, revised by Lieutenant Ward. A classic manual of seamanship under sail or steam from very near the end of the age of sail.

The WW II Fleet Type Submarine Series:

The Fleet Type Submarine, 1946NavPers 16160
Submarine Main Propulsion Diesels, 1946NavPers 16161
Submarine Electrical Installations, 1946NavPers 16162
Submarine Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Systems, 1945NavPers 16163
Submarine Distilling Systems, 1955Navpers 16163A
Submarine Air Systems, 1946NavPers 16164
Submarine Periscope Manual, 1946NavPers 16165
Submarine Trim and Drain Systems, 1945NavPers 16166
Submarine Sonar Operator's Manual, 1944NavPers 16167
Submarine Underwater Log Systems, 1945NavPers 16168
Submarine Hydraulic Systems, 1946NavPers 16169
Torpedo Tubes, 21-Inch submerged, Mks 32 to 39, 1944O.P. 1085

Us Navy Diving Manual For Sale

Submarine, and Torpedo Fire Control:

Submarine Torpedo Fire Control Manual, 1950. This describes how to plan a submarine's approach and attack using the fire control systems on Fleet and Guppy submarines with straight running torpedoes.

Canadian Forces 'O' Class Training Notebooks, 1968 include over 700 pages on all aspects of the Oberon class submarines.

Swedish Export Submarines, Hans Ellerstrom, 1989. swedishsubs.pdf (19.3 MB PDF).

USS Pompon Ships Orders, 1944, Includes Ships Orders, Compartment Check-Off Lists, Emergency Bills, Diving and Surfacing Instructions. suborders.pdf (11.5 MB).

USS Pampanito General Information Book, 1943, Includes detailed information about Pamapanito as planned during construction ss383-general-info.pdf (80 MB).

Submarine Qualification Book - Mark 37 Torpedo, 1966 is a section of an officers qualification book describing the tactics used with an electric homing torpedo.

Torpedo Data Computer Mark 3, Mark 3, Mods 5 to 12 inclusive, O.P. 1056, 1944 describes the most successful torpedo fire control computer of WW II. It is considered a masterpiece of mechanical computing design.

Submarine Attack Course Finder Mark I Model 3, O.D. 453, 1922. This describes the circular slide rule commonly know as an 'is-was' used to calculate an approach and attack by an submarine.

Torpedo Angle Solver Mark VIII Operating Instructions, O.D. 3518, 1941. This describes the hand operated torpedo angle solver commonly called a 'banjo'. It is used to calculate the gyro angle when the Torpedo Data Computer is not available.

5-Inch Gun Mount Mark 40, OP 1029, 1944, describes the five inch, 25 caliber, wet mount gun used on U.S.N. submarines near the end of WW II.

5-Inch Gun Mount Mark 40 Installation Instructions, OD 4707, 1944, describes the installation of the five inch, 25 caliber, wet mount gun used on U.S.N. submarines near the end of WW II.

40-MM Wet Mount Assemblies (Single), OD 5853, 1947, describes modifications to the Army single Bofors 40mm gun for use on submarines. The manuals for the gun are in the ordnance section below.

The Submarine Commander's Handbook, ('U.Kdt.Hdb.'), 1943 describes the submarine U-boat tactics of Nazi Germany.

Submarine Medicine Practice, 1956. This was prepared for the training and orientation of medical personnel to the problems associated with diving and submarine life. It provides an insight into the life aboard submarines.

Medical Study of the Experiences of Submariners as Recorded in 1,471 Submarine Patrol Reports in World War II, 1949. duff.pdf (30.2 MB PDF).

History of Submarine Medicine in WW II, 1947. This includes many stories, typical medical supplies, as well as history. shilling.pdf (52 MB PDF).

U.S. Pacific Submarines In World War II, by William P. Gruner is a summary of the U.S. submarine war in the Pacific.

Standard Submarine Phraseology, describes a set of uniform voice procedures and phraseology for use throughout the U.S. WW II submarine fleet.

Submarine Telephone Talker's Manual, NAVPERS 16171, 1944, Voice communications in the sub and standard submarine procedures and phraseology. subtalker.pdf (3.5 MB).

Submarines, Military Characteristics, Tactical Use, and Methods of Defense Against Them, 1917, describes submarine and anti-submarine near the peak of WW I.

Submarine Information and Instruction Manual, 1942 was used for training on board S-class (built 1918-1925) submarines.

Submarine Bathythermograph Type CTB 40079 and CTB 40131, 1943, is the manual for the WW II bathythermograph, a device that records the temperature of the water as the submarine moves through the water.

Demolition Outfit Mark 108 (for Submarines), O.P. 1012, 1942 describes the demolition outfit provided for scuttling a WW II submarine.

Submarine Periscope Type 2, 1940. Describes a type 2 attack periscope (89KA40/1.414) used during WW II. Be sure to also check the Fleetsub Periscope training manual. periscope-type2-1940.pdf (14.5 MB).

Submarine Periscope Type 4, 1942. Describes a type 4 standard periscope (93KN36) used during WW II. Be sure to also check the Fleetsub Periscope training manual. periscope-type4-1944.pdf (13.5 MB).

Submarine Periscope Type 2E, NAVSHIPS 0324-048-6000, 1962. Describes the type 2E attack periscope used during the Cold War. Many of these have been donated to museums for display periscopes. periscope-2e.pdf (6.4 MB).

Periscope Motion-Picture Camera 16mm., Mark 2, Mod. 0, 1943, Shows the 16mm film camera and periscope mount carried by US Submarines during WW II. periscope-motion-picture-camera-mk2.pdf (5.7 MB).

Optical Equipment, Periscopes, Mark XV, XVI, XVII, XVIII and XIX description, O.P. 495, 1924. Describes early submarine periscopes. periscope-mk-16-19.pdf (2.4 MB).

Target Bearing Transmitter, Mark 8, O.P. 1189, 1944. Describes the transmitters for the waterproof binoculars used for target designation on US WW II submarines. (missing pages 14-15) tbt-mk8-op1189.pdf (19.9 MB).

Target Bearing Transmitter, Mark 9, O.P. 1148, 1945. Describes the transmitters for the waterproof binoculars used for target designation on US WW II submarines. tbt.pdf (10.1 MB).

Telescopes Mark 90 Mods. 0-1 and Mark 91 Mods. 0-1, Principles of Operation and Instruction for Shipboard Maintenance, OP 1398, 1946. Describes the waterproof binoculars used on the TBTs and five inch 25 cal guns. telescope-mark-90-91-op1398.pdf (8.4 MB)

Submarine Sanctuaries Bombing And Attack Restrictions, 1943 shows how submarines and allied aircraft were supposed to be deconflicted. Unfortunately we also know that there were numerous friendly fire incidents during WW II.

14' Sebastian Lathe, Collection of information on the lathe installed in US submarines during WW II. sub-lathe.pdf (13.8 MB).

Modernized 850 Foot Submarine Rescue Chamber, SS750-AA-MMA-010/850FT, 1981, Updated version of the McCann rescue chamber. submarine-rescue-chamber.pdf (2.2 MB).
Also see Drawing showing use of the Submarine Rescue Chamber.

WW II Destroyer:

Standard Organization Book for 2100-Ton Destroyers, 1943. This describes the organization of the personnel and standard procedures on a WW II destroyer. Among the many tables there are details that provide insight in to the life aboard and operation of a destroyer.

Destroyer Steam Propulsion Manual, 1946. This describes the main propulsion plant of DD445 and DD692 Classes.

Operating Instructions for Five Inch, 38 Caliber, Gun Crews, 1943. This describes the operation of one of the most common manual gun mounts of WW II.

5-Inch Twin Gun Mount Mark 28, 32 and 38, OP 805, 1944, is a detailed manual describing this very successful naval gun from WW II.

Torpedo Fire Control Equipment (Destroyer Type), 1947. This manual describes the peak of WW II US destroyer torpedo fire control technology.

21-Inch Above Water Torpedo Tubes Mark 14 And Mods And Mark 15 And Mods, OP 764, 1955. Describes the destroyer, deck mounted torpedo tube of WW II.

Depth Charge Projector Mark 1, OP 63, 1918, covers the 'Y' gun depth charge projector.

Depth Charge Projector Mark 6, Mod 1 and Mod 2, OP 831, 1944, covers the 'K' gun depth charge projector.

Depth Charge Release Tracks and Associated Equipment, OP 904, 1952, covers the U.S.N. depth charge used on WW II and early Cold War destroyers.

Submarine Recognition Manual, ca. late 1950s. subrec.pdf (3.4 MB PDF).

Us Navy Diving School


U.S.S. Massachusetts - Brief Description of the Engineering Department is a training manual created aboard the battleship to introduce new men to the ships engineering systems.

Ordnance, Gunnery and Fire Control

Fire Control Fundamentals, NAVPERS 91900, 1953, is an introduction to mechanical computing gun fire control. The basic fire control principles of gun against a surface target are then applied to the control of Anti-aircraft guns, Antisubmarine Weapons, Torpedoes, Rockets and Guided Missiles.

Principles of Guided Missiles and Nuclear Weapons, 1959. This was created to introduce ROTC officers to these weapons and their effects.

Gun Mount And Turret Catalog, Ordnance Pamphlet 1112, 1945, is a Navy catalog of Gun Mounts and Turrets that includes almost all the U.S. Navy WW II equipment.

U.S. Explosive Ordnance, Ordnance Pamphlet 1664, 1947, describes and illustrates United States Navy projectiles, Army and Navy rockets, pyrotechnics, grenades, land mines, bombs, and guided missiles.

Ships Chemical Smoke Munitions, Description and Instructions For Use, OP 1042, 1944, describes chemical smoke systems for creating smoke screens.

B.R. 932, Handbook on Ammunition, 1945. British Navy ammunition from WW II br932.pdf (21 MB PDF)

U.S. Navy Projectiles and Fuzes, 1945, is a catalog of U.S.N. projectiles and fuzes. This document was removed from the web site in Mar 2010 at the request of the USN, NHHC Washington, DC for classification review. If you are an EOD technician and need ordnance data, the US military Joint Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technical Support Center, supports EOD operations worldwide 24/7.

British Bombs and Fuzes, 1944, is a catalog of British, bombs, fuzes, rockets, demolition charges, etc. from WW II. This document was removed from the web site in Mar 2010 at the request of the USN NHHC for classification review.

Mine Identification Manual, O.P. 898, 1943, is a catalog of U.S. mines from WW II.

Operational Characteristics of U.S. Naval Mines (U), ORD 696(B), 1959, shows the basics of underwater offensive mines.

Mine Disposal Handbook, 1945, was created by the U.S. Navy Bomb Disposal School near the end of WW II. It covers all forms of underwater ordnance, not just mines.

Surface Pyrotechnics and Projectors, Ordnance Pamphlet 1177, 1945, describes modified fireworks used by surface ships, submarines and merchant ships. These are used for used for signaling, marking, or illuminating objects.

Missile Launchers and Related Equipment Catalog, Ordnance Pamphlet 1855, 1953, is a U.S. Navy catalog of missile launchers, rocket launchers, depth charge projectors, and related equipment.

Index of Ordnance Publications, OP 0. 1953, This lists all the Ordnance Pamphlets (OP), Ordnance Data, (NAVORD ODs), Ordnance Technical Instructions (NAVORD OTIs), Ordnance Handling Instructions (NAVORD OHIs), Aviation Ordnance Modification Instructions (NAVORD OMIs), NAVORD Charts (Not Issued to Fleet Activities) and War Dept. Publications (Stocked at NAVGUN). This is the place to find out what manuals you are missing.
Alternative 1946 version with low quality images in PDF, OP0.pdf (18 MB PDF)

Description of Range Keeper, Mark II with Directions for its Care and Manipulation, 1908, and Specifications for the Manufacture of Range Keepers, Mark II, U.S. Navy, 1907. These describe the Vickers Range Clock as used by the US Navy. This was a key element of HMS Dreadnought era fire control that continued in use through WW II.

B.R. 1534, Handbook on Minor Fire Control Instruments, 1946, describes the Vickers Range Clock, Dumaresq, Coventry Range Clock, Portable Fire Control Tray, Range Transmitter and Spotting Box, Deflection Transmitter and Spotting Box. Some of these classic British instruments were kept in use over 50 years.

The Gunnery Pocket Book, B.R. 224/45, 1945. This manual represents the peak of British WW II gunnery. Examples included are taken from the six-inch cruiser of the Mauritius class, a Dido class cruiser, and a typical destroyer.

B.R. 901/43, Handbook of The Admiralty Fire Control Clock Mark I and I*, 1943, describes the smaller of the two main gun fire control instruments of the Royal Navy in WW II.

B.R. 901/43, Handbook On The Use Of Radar For Gunnery Purposes Visual/Radar Target Indication, 1945, describes the radar target designation system of the Royal Navy in WW II.

B.R. 257, Handbook for the 4 Inch Q.F. Mark XVI* Gun on the H.A. Twin Mark XIX and Single Mark XX Mountings, 1941. br257.pdf (11.6 MB PDF)

O.U. 6359A, Handbook for 6-Inch, B.L., Mark XXIII Guns on Triple, Mark XXII Mounting, 1937. ou6359a.pdf (8.6 MB PDF)

B.R. 1919, Handbook for 40mm Bofors Twin R.P. 50 Mark 5 Mounting, 19450. br1919.pdf (14 MB PDF)

20 MM Antiaircraft Gun, OP 911, 1943, is a Navy service manual for the anti-aircraft gun of choice during the early years of WW II.

20 MM Antiaircraft Gun Mount, OP 909, 1943, is a Navy service manual for the 20 mm gun mounts used aboard ships during during the early years of WW II.

Twin 20-mm Antiaircraft Assemblies, OP 1439, 1945, is a Navy service manual for the twin mount version of the classic WW II anti-aircraft gun on the tripod style mount.

40 MM Antiaircraft Gun, OP 820, 1943. The maintenance manual for the dual Bofors 40mm gun. This was the most widely used anti-aircraft gun of WW II.

40 MM Mount Mk 4, OP 1329, 1947 describes the very widely used quad mount for the Bofors 40mm gun of WW II.

40 MM Antiaircraft Gun, TM 9-1252, 1951, is an Army service manual for this widely used single Bofors 40mm anti-aircraft gun of WW II.

40-mm Automatic Gun M1 (AA), TM 9-252, 1944, is an Army service manual for this widely used single Bofors 40mm anti-aircraft gun of WW II.

3-inch Mount Mark 20, 21, 22 and Mods, OP 811, 1943, describes the three inch, 50 caliber gun of WW II and its revisions.

8-Inch 3-Gun Turrets Main Armament For USS Salem Class, Turret Description And Operation, 1947. Describes in detail the first post-WW II gun turret and last big gun turret created by the US U.S. Navy.

VT Fuzes For Projectiles and Spin-Stabilized Rockets, OP 1480, 1946, is a manual for the U.S. proximity fuzes of WW II.

Basic Fire Control Mechanisms, OP 1140, 1944, describes the mechanical computing elements used in U.S. Navy fire control systems. These components are the building blocks of some of the most successful analog mechanical computers ever built. (in PDF)

Basic Fire Control Mechanisms Maintenance, OP 1140a, 1946, has maintenance procedures for the mechanical computing elements used in U.S. Navy fire control systems. (in PDF)

Standard Fire Control Symbols, OP 1700, 1950, and 1957 established a set of standard fire control symbols to be used in various U.S. Navy fire control systems.

Computer Mark 1 and Mods (with Computer Mark 1A Addendum), Ordnance Pamphlet 1064, 1945 (1951 Addendum), describes the fire control computer used on guns from 5' to 16' aboard US Navy ships of WW II.

Computer Mark 1 and Mods. Maintenance Volume 1, Ordnance Pamphlet 1064A, 1947, is the first half of the maintenance manual for the Mark 1 computer.

Stable Element Mark 6 Ordnance Pamphlet 1063, 1944, describes the stable element that determines the pitch and roll of the ship and supplies this to the fire control computer.

Rangefinders Marks 58; 58, Mod. I; 65; and 65, Mod. I , O.P. 1171, describes the optical rangefinder used in Gun Director Mark 50 and in many smaller surface combatants of WW II.

Fire Control Radar, Mark 8, Operation, O.P. 658, 1943, op658.pdf (775 KB PDF)

Index Of Assemblies For U. S. Navy Mounts And Turrets, OP 60, 1944, is a series of tables documenting the standard guns, mounts and turrets of WW II.

Painting Of Naval Ordnance Equipment, NAVORD OSTD 52, 1955, describes the standards for painting of ordnance, choice of coating, etc.

Specification For Paints On Exteriors of Projectiles Purchased By The Navy, O.S. 1351, 1943, proj-color.pdf (556 KB PDF)

Lubrication of Ordnance Equipment, NAVORD OD 3000, 1968, od3000-lubrication-ordnanace.pdf (11.6 MB PDF)

Dummy Log, I.C. Instruction Book No. 703, 1944, documents the Bendix Friez dummy log.

Optical Instruments Data Sheets, O.P. 1200, 1953, is a catalog of optical instruments, mostly used in gun fire control.

Methods of Drying and Charging Optical Instruments, OD 2847, 1944, describes how to dry and charge with nitrogen or helium optical instruments.

Boresights and Boresight Telescopes, O.P. 1449, 1949, describes the instruments used to align the gun sights with the guns they aim.

Optical Equipment, Bore-Sight Telescopes Marks VIII, IX, and XIII, O.P. 483, 1923. (5.1 MB PDF)

Instructions For Assembling And Disassembling Gun Barrels And Housings (Bayonet Joint Type), OD 2772, 1950, describes the best practices for installing and removing bayonet (interrupted thread) gun barrels from large guns.

Clearing of Live Ammunition from Guns, NAVWEPS OP 1591, 1961, describes the safe methods of clearing live ammunition from guns.

WW II PT Boat:

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Know Your PT Boat, 1945. This is an introduction to PT Boats for crews' in training.

Motor Torpedo Boats, Tactical Orders and Doctrine, 1942. This provides insight into how PT Boats where used.

Detail Specifications For Building Motor Torpedo Boats, 1944. This provides the builders specifications for PT 565-624. Numerous details about PT Boats appear in the manual that provide insight to both the technology and the life aboard PT Boats.

0.50-Inch Machine Gun Mounts, Mark 17 Mods. 1 and 2, 1943, covers the manually operated 50 cal turret.

The Dewandre-Elco Power-Operated Machine Gun Turret, covers the PT boat power operated 50 cal turret.

Torpedo Angle Solvers Mark 7 and Mods., Description and Instructions for Use, O.D. 4656, 1943. Describes the circular slide rule used to calculate torpedo gyro angle.

Torpedoes & Depth Charges

A Brief History of U.S. Navy Torpedo Development, by E.W. Jolie, OP 353W or TD5436, 1978. This provides basic information on most US Navy torpedoes up to 1978 (Submarine, Surface and Air).

Torpedoes Mark 14 and 23 Types, OP 635, 1945, is the basic service manual for the principle U.S.N. steam torpedo of WW II.
Tactical Data For Torpedoes Mark XIV & XIV-1. torp-mk14-tactical.pdf (5.2 MB PDF)

U.S. Navy Torpedo Mark 18 (Electric), OP 946, 1943, is the basic service manual for the principle U.S.N. electric torpedo of WW II.
Tactical Data For Torpedoes Mark 18. torp-mk18-tactical.pdf (1.6 MB PDF)

Maintenance Instructions For Mark 18 and Mods. Torpedoes, O.D. 8093, describes maintenance for the electric torpedo when carried on war patrol.

U.S. Navy Torpedo Gyroscopes Non-Tumble Type, OP 627(A), 1942, is the basic service manual for the principle U.S. torpedo gyro of WW II.

Mark 37C Torpedo System Technical Description, NVR 73-50, 1973, describes the update of the Mk 37 torpedo to the C version.

U.S. Navy Torpedoes Mark 13, 13-1 & 2, OP 629(A), 1942, covers the primary air dropped U.S.N. torpedo of WW II.

The Whitehead Torpedo U.S.N., 1898, is a manual for the most important early torpedoes used by the U.S. Navy. This book covers the 45c/m. x 3.55m. Mark I, Mark II, Mark III and and 45c/m. x 5m. Mark I.
The Whitehead Torpedo U.S.N. Compressors and Launching Tubes, 1898, has the support equipment for the Whitehead torpedo. The drawings of the launching tubes are very rare.
The Whitehead Torpedo U.S.N., Notes on Care and Handling, 1898.

The Howell Torpedo, 14.2 Inches, Mark I., 1896, is a manual for the first torpedo to be produced in quantity by the U.S. Navy. From 1890-1896 it was used as an antisurface ship torpedo fired from battleships and torpedo-boats.

The Schwartzkopff Torpedo U.S.N., Descriptions Nomenclatures and Plates., 1903, is a manual for an early torpedo purchased by the U.S. Navy. It was used as an antisurface ship torpedo fired from battleships and torpedo-boats.

Depth Charge, Mark 9 and Modifications, OP 866, 1944, covers the fast sinking U.S.N. depth charge of WW II.

Depth Charges, Mark 6, Mark 6 Mod. 1, Mark 7, Mark 7, Mod. 1, OP 747, 1943, covers the U.S.N. depth charge from the first half of WW II.

Torpedotown U.S.A., 1989. A history of the Naval Undersea Warfare Engineering Station, 1914-1989, Lisa Poole with Dianne Robinson.

WW II Merchant Marine:

United States Maritime Service Training Manual, Engineering Branch Training, 1944, was created during the peak of US emergency growth in the merchant marine.

United States Maritime Service Training Manual, Deck Branch Training, 1943.

United States Maritime Service Training Manual, Preliminary Training, 1943. The merchant equivalent of Basic Military Requirements, it has details of lifeboats and basics of life at sea.

Us Navy Diving Manual Free Download

Intelligence, Recognition Handbook, Photo Interpretation:

Recognition Handbooks, has booklets used in training how to identify ships, aircraft, etc. Much more than just photos and silhouettes.

Tactical Interpretation of Air Photos, TM 30-246, NAVAER 10-35-613, 1954. This manual shows the basics of photo interpretation.

Photographic Interpretation Keys Airfield Installations, AFM 200-40, NAVAER 10-35-611, 1954. This manual shows the basics of photo interpretation with the example of Cold War airfields.

Photographic Interpretations Center Report 34, Japanese Supply Dumps, OPNAV-16-V #34, June 1944


Joint Doctrine for Amphibious Operations, 2001, jp3_02.pdf (1.6 MB PDF)

Communications Security:

Most of these are put in context at ECM MK II Notes

ECM Mark II Operations Manual, 1944. This describes the high level US cipher system used from 1941-1959. The manual covers CSP-888, CSP-889, SIGABA, M-134C, CCM (Combined Cipher Machine with British). Also see Operating Instructions for ASAM 1, 1949.

Special Instructions for Using the Strip Cipher Device, FEDB-1, 1945. The strip cipher cipher of WW II. Also known as CSP-845, M-138A.

Instructions for the Cylindrical Cipher Device, CSP 493, 1926. Also known as CSP-488 and M-94.

Instructions for the Use of Aircraft Code No. 16, CSP 1272(A). CSP-1270 was a simple, hand, Identification Friend or Foe system used primarily with aircraft during WW II.

Instructions for PENELOPE Cyrptosystem, Operation and Maintenance of CSP 1750 (KA-2) AND CSP 1756 (KA-3), 1965. This was a small manual IFF system from WW II.

Technical Manual Converter M-209, TM-11-380, 1942.

Electricity, Communications, Sonar and Radar:

Unit Course in Marine Electricity, 1942. Museum ships stabilizing or restoring their electrical systems will appreciate many parts of the manual. Items such as the proper ways of working with armored cable, lacing, etc. are included.

Electronic Installation Practices Manual, Chapter 9, Cabling, NAVSHIPS 900171, 1951. Museum ships stabilizing or restoring their electrical systems will appreciate many parts of the manual. Items such as the proper ways of working with armored cable, lacing, etc. are included.

Transmission Lines Waveguides and Fittings, NAVSHIPS 900,081, 1945, describes radio and radar transmission lines, cables and waveguides aboard ship. Museum ships stabilizing or restoring their radios or radars systems will appreciate many parts of the manual. Esp. handling radar waveguide.

Introduction to Radio, 1946. An introduction to electronics and naval radio. It covers basic tube electronics in the beginning, then explains the basic operating instructions for typical WW II radios.

Notes on Servicing Radio and Sound Equipment, 1942, is a training manual that introduces the art of tube radio and sound equipment repair. This included both receivers and transmitters, and the motor generators they use.

Transmitter Servicing Course 503/4, 1945, is a training manual that focuses on WW II naval transmitters TAJ, TBK, TBL, TDE and TBS.

Radar Operator's Manual, 1945. This is a WW II radar operator's manual. It covers the most typical radars of WW II.

Naval Sonar, 1953. This manual describes the peak of WW II US sonar technology with a hint of the coming Cold War innovations.

Arma Gyro-compass Mark 7, Mod. 4, 1943, is a service manual for the preferred U.S. submarine gyro-compass of WW II. This was also used on small surface ships that had fire control, but only one gyro. It is very similar to the Arma Mk 8 Gyro-compass used on larger CA, BB, and CVs.

Gyro-compass Mark XIV, Mod. 1, 17-1400D, 1944, is a service manual for the most widely built gyro of WW II. This gyro was used on pretty much any U.S. ship that did not have automated fire control.

The Brown Steering Gyro Compass, Handbook, Type 'B' Equipment'. brown-gyro-type-b.pdf (4 MB PDF)

Catalogue of Electronic Equipment, NAVSHIPS 900,116, 1952, is a U.S. Navy catalog of electronics that includes almost all the WW II equipment and some of the early Cold War equipment.

Summaries of Data of Radio Equipment, Volume 1, B.R. 333(1) Vol 1, 1971, is a British Navy catalog of radio electronics. br333vol1.pdf (7.9 MB PDF)

Summaries of Data of Radio Equipment Volume 2, B.R. 333(1) Vol 2, 1971, is a British Navy catalog of radar electronics. br333vol2.pdf (7.2 MB PDF)

U.S. Navy Synchros, O.P. 1303. synchros.pdf (6.8 MB PDF)

Instruction Manual, Control for Shipboard, 1944, Cutler-Hammer Motor Controllers.

Visual Call Sign, DNC 4(A), 1945, is a U.S. Navy list of visual (as compared to radio) call signs used during WW II.

Combat Information Center Magazine, 1944-1945. A monthly magazine created during WW II to spread the best practices in the rapidly developing art of integrating information (particularly radar) for command and control in U.S. Navy ships.


Naval Ships' Technical Manual (NSTM):
We have requested the release of more of these from the U.S. Navy. NOTE THAT THESE MAY BE OUT OF DATE. Use them for museum interpretation and background information, but do not directly follow them without checking more current and possibly safer references.

Index and User Guide, 2005ch001.pdf (110 KB)
Readiness and Care of Inactive Ships, 2005ch050.pdf (1.4 MB)
Fasteners, 1997ch075.pdf (1.25 MB)
Waterborne Underwater Hull Cleaning of Navy Ships, 2006ch081.pdf (5.2 MB)
Weights and Stability, 2005ch096.pdf (387 KB)
Electric Power Distribution Systems, 1998ch320.pdf (431 KB)
Navigation Systems, Equipment and Aids, 1999ch420.pdf (409 KB)
Boats and Small Craft, 1998ch583.pdf (1.75 MB)
Aircraft Elevators, 1997ch588.pdf (402 KB)
Pollution Control, 1999ch593.pdf (1.28 MB)
Structural Closures, 2005ch600-1.pdf (1.9 MB)
Non Structural Closures, 2005ch600-2.pdf (1.7 MB)
Hull Outfitting Equipment, 2005ch600-3.pdf (452 KB)
Wire and Fire Rope and Rigging, 1999ch613.pdf (1.8 MB)
Cargo and Weapons Elevators, 1998ch772.pdf (1.39 MB)

Relatively Modern Standards and References
NOTE THAT THESE MAY BE OUT OF DATE. Use them for museum interpretation and background information, but do not directly follow them without checking more current and possibly safer references.

Social Usage and Protocol Handbook, 20011710_7a.pdf (9 MB)
Naval Telecommunications Procedures, Flags, Pennants & Customs, 1986ntp13b.pdf (1.5 MB)
US Navy Shipboard Pest Control Program, 2000sbpc.pdf (5 MB)
Salvors' Handbook, 2000salvorshandbook.pdf (7.7 MB)
US Navy Towing Manual, 2002towman.pdf (14.2 MB)
US Navy Underwater Cutting and Welding Manual, 2002cut_weld.pdf (2.4 MB)
US Navy Diving Manual, 2008divev6 (18.6 MB)
Protective Coatings and Paints, 2004ufc_3_190_06.pdf (1.2 MB)
Design: Electrical Engineering Cathodic Protection, 2004ufc_3_570_02n.pdf (2.7 MB)
Operation and Maintenance: Cathodic Protection Systems, 2003ufc_3_570_06.pdf (1.1 MB)
Design: Dockside Utilities For Ship Service, 2003ufc_4_150_02.pdf (7 MB)
Operation and Maintenance: Maintenance of Waterfront Facilities, 2001ufc_4_150_07.pdf (3 MB)
Inspection of Mooring Hardware, 2001ufc_4_150_08.pdf (800 KB)
Design: Piers and Wharves, 2005ufc_4_152_01.pdf (8.6 MB)
Design: Small Craft Berthing Facilities, 2005ufc_4_152_07n.pdf (1.2 MB)
Design: Moorings, 2005ufc_4_159_03.pdf (4.8 MB)
Design: Fixed Moorings, 1986dm26_4.pdf (1 MB)
Design: Fleet Moorings Basic Criteria and Planning Guidelines, 1985dm26_5.pdf (4.3 MB)
Design: Mooring Design Physical & Empirical Data, 1986dm26_6.pdf (2.6 MB)
Fleet Mooring Underwater Inspection Guidelines, 1984fpo-1-84-6.pdf (2.1 MB)
Joint Oil Analysis Program Manual, NAVAIR 17-15-50.4, 2005 - How to test the oil in working machinery.afd-070730-009 (8.2 MB)
Dept. of the Navy, Records Management Manual, 2007m5210-1.pdf (5.2 MB)
Dept. of the Navy, Standard Subject Identifical Code (SSIC) Manual, 2005m5210-2.pdf (1 MB)
Ship Donation Program: Ship Donation Program Manual, 2009navsea04520-01b.pdf (3.4 MB)
Ship Donation Program: Self Inspection Checklist, 2012sdipchecklistfy12.pdf (68 KB)

Relatively Modern Training Courses
Although in training course format, these also serve as reference material in their topics. NOTE THAT THESE MAY BE OUT OF DATE. Use them for museum interpretation and background information, but do not directly follow them without checking more current and possibly safer references.

Aerographer's Mate, Module 1-Surface Weather Observations, 1999aerographer1.pdf (7.4 MB)
Aerographer's Mate, Module 2-Miscellaneous Observation's and Codes, 1999aerographer2.pdf (4.1 MB)
Aerographer's Mate, Module 3-Environmental Satellites and Weather Radio, 1999aerographer3.pdf (16.6 MB)
Aerographer's Mate, Module 4-Environmental Communications and Administration, 1999aerographer4.pdf (3.1 MB)
Aerographer's Mate, Module 5-Basic Meteorology, 2001aerographer5.pdf (3.1 MB)
Aerographer's Mate 1 & C, 1995aerographermate.pdf (10.4 MB)
Aviation Electronics Technician 1 (Organizational), 1993aviationET.pdf (4.6 MB)
Aviation Structural Mechanic (H & S) 3 & 2, 1993aviationmechHS.pdf (17.4 MB)
Aviation Structural Mechanic E 1 & C, 1991aviationmechE.pdf (2.3 MB)
Aviation-Power Generation and Distribution, 2001aviationpower.pdf (1.9 MB)
AIRMAN, 2000airman.pdf (10.6 MB)
Aviation Boatswain's Mate E, 2001aviationboatswainsmateE.pdf (5.8 MB)
Aviation Boatswain's Mate H, 2001aviationboatswainsmateH.pdf (7.4 MB)
Aviation Ordnanceman, 2001aviationordnanceman.pdf (7.5 MB)
Basic Military Requirements, 2002basicmilitaryrequirements.pdf (32.9 MB)
Captivity - The Extreme Circumstance, 2001captivity.pdf (32.9 MB)
Cargo Specialists' Handbook, 1999fm55_17_army_cargo.pdf (9 MB)
Construction Electrician Basic, 1998constelect2.pdf (5.3 MB)
Construction Electrician Intermediate, 1998constelect2.pdf (8.7 MB)
Damage Controlman, 2001damagecontrolman.pdf (6.9 MB)
Electronics Technician, Volume 1-Safety, 1997et1.pdf (1.4 MB)
Electronics Technician, Volume 2-Administration, 1993et2.pdf (1.9 MB)
Electronics Technician, Volume 3-Communications Systems, 1997et3.pdf (11.6 MB)
Electronics Technician, Volume 4-Radar Systems, 1993et4.pdf (824 KB)
Electronics Technician, Volume 5-Navigation Systems, 1994et5.pdf (1.7 MB)
Electronics Technician, Volume 6-Digital Data Systems, 1997et6.pdf (15.8 MB)
Electronics Technician, Volume 7-Antennas and Wave Propagation, 1995et7.pdf (3.1 MB)
Electronics Technician, Volume 8-Support Systems, 1996et8.pdf (11.6 MB)
Engineman 1 & C, 2001engineman1.pdf (5.7 MB)
Engineman 2, 1992engineman2.pdf (4.2 MB)
Fire Controlman, Volume 1-Administration and Safety, 2001fc1.pdf (19.9 MB)
Fire Controlman, Volume 2-Fire-Control Radar Fundamentals, 2000fc2.pdf (3.5 MB)
Fire Controlman, Volume 3-Digital Data Systems, 1997fc3.pdf (17.5 MB)
Fire Controlman, Volume 4-Fire-Control Maintenance Concepts, 1997fc4.pdf (3.6 MB)
Fire Controlman, Volume 5-Display Systems and Devices, 1997fc5.pdf (3.4 MB)
Fire Controlman, Volume 6-Digital Communications, 1997fc6.pdf (2.3 MB)
Fireman, 1992fireman.pdf (6.5 MB)
Gunner's Mate, 1996gunnersmate.pdf (25 MB)
Instructional Theory, 1992instructionaltheory.pdf (4 MB)
Lookout Training Handbook, 2000lookout.pdf (928 KB)
Operations Specialist Vol. 1, 2000operationsspecialist1.pdf (8.4 MB)
Opticalman 3 & 2, 1989opticalman-navedtra-10215.pdf (14.4 MB)
Photography (Basic), 1993photo1.pdf (19.1 MB)
Photography (Advanced), 1995photo2.pdf (10.6 MB)
Quartermaster 1 & C, 1995quartermaster.pdf (17.9 MB)
Seaman, 1993seaman.pdf (7.6 MB)
Signalman 1 & C, 1996signalman.pdf (17.1 MB)

Tools, Shop and Repair
NOTE THAT THESE MAY BE OUT OF DATE. Always check your machine manuals and look for more current and possibly safer references.

Us navy diving manual revision 7
Basic Machines, 1994basicmachines.pdf (8.2 MB)
Blueprint Reading and Sketching, 1994blueprint.pdf (5.5 MB)
Equipment Operator, 1994equipmentoperator.pdf (23.1 MB)
Fluid Power, 1990fluidpower.pdf (4.2 MB)
Maintenance and Repair Manual, Ashcroft Gaugesgauge-cal.pdf (5 MB)
Heat Treatment of Steel, 1966heat-treatment-steel.pdf (4.5 MB)
Machinery Repairman, 1993machinery-repairman.pdf (15 MB)
Steelworker Vol. 1, 1996steelworker1.pdf (9.9 MB)
Steelworker Vol. 2, 1996steelworker2.pdf (10 MB)
Tools and Their Uses, 1992tools.pdf (18.3 MB)
A great series from the US Army
Machinist, TC 9-524, 1996machinist.pdf (6.5 MB)
Machine Shop Calcluation, OD1640, Edition 7machineshopmath.pdf (2 MB)
Precision Measuring and Gaging, OD1642, Edition 8precision-measuring.pdf (2.2 MB)
Metal Properties, OD1643, Edition 7metal-properties.pdf (1 MB)
Milling Machine Operations, OD1644, Edition 8milling-machine.pdf (2 MB)
Lathe Operations, OD1645, Edition 8lathe.pdf (2.8 MB)
Bandsaw Operations, OD1646, Edition 8bandsaw.pdf (2.3 MB)
Welding Theory, OD1650, Edition 8welding-theory.pdf (1.2 MB)
Welding Operations I, OD1651, Edition 8welding-1.pdf (3.3 MB)
Metal Body Repair, OD1653, Edition 7metal-body-repair.pdf (2.1 MB)
Welding Operations II, OD1654, Edition 8welding-2.pdf (2.2 MB)

Navy Electricity and Electronics Training Series (NEETS), 1998.
Relatively modern basic electricity and electronics classes.

Mod-1 Intro. to Matter, Energy, and Direct Currentmod01.pdf (2 MB)
Mod-2 Intro. to Alternating Current and Transformersmod02.pdf (3.9 MB)
Mod-3 Intro. to Circuit Protection, Control, and Measurementmod03.pdf (2.4 MB)
Mod-4 Intro. to Electrical Conductors, Wiring Techniques and Schematic Readingmod04.pdf (1.5 MB)
Mod-5 Intro. to Generators and Motorsmod05.pdf (1.3 MB)
Mod-6 Intro. to Electronic Emissions, Tubes, and Power Suppliesmod06.pdf (1.5 MB)
Mod-7 Intro. to Solid-State Devices and Power Suppliesmod07.pdf (2.4 MB)
Mod-8 Intro. to Amplifiersmod08.pdf (1.8 MB)
Mod-9 Intro. to Wave-Generation and Wave-Shapingmod09.pdf (1.8 MB)
Mod-10 Intro. to Wave Propagation, Transmission Lines, and Antennasmod10.pdf (2.4 MB)
Mod-11 Microwave Principlesmod11.pdf (4.3 MB)
Mod-12 Modulationmod12.pdf (1.7 MB)
Mod-13 Intro. to Numbering Systems and Logicmod13.pdf (1.2 MB)
Mod-14 Intro. to Microelectronicsmod14.pdf (6 MB)
Mod-15 Intro. to Synchros, Servos, and Gyrosmod15.pdf (1.6 MB)
Mod-16 Intro. to Test Equipmentmod16.pdf (1.9 MB)
Mod-17 Radio-Frequency Communications Principlesmod17.pdf (5.6 MB)
Mod-18 Radar Principlesmod18.pdf (1.7 MB)
Mod-19 The Technician's Handbookmod19.pdf (1.3 MB)
Mod-20 Master Glossarymod20.pdf (508 KB)
Mod-21 Test Methods and Practicesmod21.pdf (2 MB)
Mod-22 Intro. to Digital Computersmod22.pdf (3.6 MB)
Mod-23 Magnetic Recordingmod23.pdf (3 MB)
Mod-24 Intro. to Fiber Opticsmod24.pdf (1.7 MB)

Links To Full Text Documents On Other Web Sites:

The U.S. Naval History and Heritage Command (formerly Naval Historical Center) has a variety of Online Publications and Documents.
Also see Research Overview.

Patrick Clancey has a large number of HTML formatted US Navy documents at:

History of Communication-Electronics in the United States Navy, Thomas White's web site contains this classic reference by Captain L.S. Howeth.

Eugene Slover's web site contains many full text naval ordnance documents.

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