Cosmetic Product Notification Portal Cpnp User Manual

The Cosmetics Products Notification Portal (CPNP) is an online notification system for submitting certain technical compliance related information about cosmetic products. It was created for the implementation of Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009 on cosmetic products and aimed at harmonizing the 28 EU Member States + 4 EFTA countries covered under this legislation.

What is the CPNP used for?

Request an access to your organisation (company, institution.) in CPNP Read the tutorial on: How to request access in SAAS. Services related to cosmetic products – CPNP notification service. According to Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009, the prerequisite for placing a cosmetic product on the market in the European Union is to notify it through a central electronic interface, the CPNP (Cosmetic Products Notification Portal).

The Regulation states that the designated Responsible Person (or EU Brand Owner) is required to submit certain information about cosmetic products and their product specifications to the CPNP if they intend to make them available on the EU Market. In some cases, cosmetic product distributors are also required to follow these steps – such as in the case of changes to labelling and translations.

Who can access the CPNP?

Information submitted to the CPNP is then made available through the portal to the relevant Competent Authorities, enabling market surveillance, analysis and evaluation, as well as to safe guard against grey market or counterfeit products.


The information is also available to Poison Control Centres and other similar bodies established in individual member states for medical treatment and consumer safety purposes.

EU Responsible Person(s) and EU Brand Owners have access to the CPNP for Notification purposes only and cannot review other products submitted which they are not responsible for.

It is also important to note that while the CPNP is technically accessible for Notification purposes by anyone, the Notification will only be valid (and legal) when completed by the EU Responsible Person and accompanied by a valid Product Information File substantiating that all compliance procedures have been completed. Upon Notification within the CPNP, no acknowledgement is supplied by the Competent Authorities; however, Registration codes will be supplied by the system.

Cosmetic Product Notification Portal Cpnp User Manual 2017

When was the CPNP introduced?

Cpnp Eu Cosmetics

The CPNP was first made accessible to Competent Authorities, Poison Centres and Responsible Persons on January 11th 2012. Exactly one year later, it became available to cosmetic product distributors. From July 11, 2013 forward, the CPNP became absolutely mandatory for all brand owners wishing to legally make their products available on the EU Market – marking the end of the transition from the Cosmetic Directive 76/768/EEC to the Cosmetic Regulation EC 1223/2009. Like Eudamed for medical devices, the CPNP is not open to the public.

When do I need to submit information to the CPNP?

Under Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009, you are obliged to make a new product notification before the product is placed on the market and after having fulfilled all of the provisions of the Regulation. No moment is specified, providing it is before circulation begins. The exception to this is the notification of products containing nano-materials, which must be done six months prior to commercialization.

If the brand owner is located outside the EU, only the designated European Responsible Person can access the CPNP on their behalf and notify all the products.

For more information about the CPNP portal and the process of cosmetics notification, click here. If you’re looking for a Responsible Person to notify your cosmetic products, do not hesitate to contact us!

Cosmetic Product Notification Portal Cpnp User Manual Pdf


Cosmetic Product Notification Portal (cpnp) User Manual

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